Welcome to Inacio Steinhardt's HomePage
Dear Friend and Visitor

Thank you very much for your visit to my virtual home.
I was born in Portugal, but I live in Israel. I am therefor a "Luso-Israeli"
Being a journalist and a writer, I write mainly in Portuguese and Hebrew.
This site is written in English in order to reach a larger number of people
I hope that, after the visit you will send me a word by email in any case, to let me know who you are.

My site is always in construction, at the pace of my time availability.
You will find here some of my writings and links to sources for online reading and information on the main subjects of my interest.

There is a section on BIBLIOGRAPHY with suggestions for further reading.

The two main subjects in which I spend my leasure time are:



Subject to time availability - which is not always easy - I will be glad to answer your questions on the above subjects to the best of my knowledge and ability.

I will also appreciate if you care to share with me data, information and experiences in the same areas.

Enjoy your visit and have a wonderful day


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If you wish to introduce yourself directly or send me a message

Click on this mailbox

I invite you to visit the following sections:
Library - books that you can read here on-line
Reference (Bibliographic information on my subjects)
My Writings (mostly on JEWS, CRYPTO-JEWS OR ANUSIM, in Portugal)
STEINHARDT's Genealogy and Origins(welcome all Steinhardt's in the World)
Unforgetable People (Some Friends that are no more with us)
My Magic Garden (A place for Meditation and the Soul) Under construction
My Links Desk (Some interesting links, by subject, that I use and recommend)
Inacio's Bookstore (Ordering online books, magazines, music, disks /made easy)
INFORMATION PLEASE(Maybe you can help me with some information I need. Please click here)

You are my visitor

Since 5 October 2004